Mississippi Coast High School Soccer All-Star Games
About the Coast All-Star Games
The Mississippi Coast High School Soccer All-Star games were first held in 2018. This event was created to showcase the talented players on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and to provide a convenient way for college coaches and spectators to watch the areas top players in a single evening. This regional all-star soccer event is not the only one in the state. A similar Central Mississippi High School Soccer All-Star event is held on the campus of Southwest Mississippi Community College, and North Mississippi High School Soccer All-Star games are held at Blue Mountain College. The state-wide all-star game is hosted by the Mississippi Association of Coaches and is held annually in the summer in the Jackson, MS area, but is limited to upcoming seniors only.
Frequently Asked Questions
I was selected to play in the upcoming all-star game. What do I do next?
Great! Scroll down to the "player forms" section on this page. Make sure to complete all needed forms as soon as possible. If you are selected and do not wish to participate, or are unable due to injury, please email Coach Neil Scott (neilscottsoccer@gmail.com) as soon as possible.
What is the player selection process?
High school head coaches can nominate up to 3 players from their varsity roster, then a selection committee of head soccer coaches from various rotating schools select the all-star rosters.
What do all-star players wear?
All-stars wear the provided all-star jersey and their own white/light shorts and white socks. Soccer socks, shin guards, and soccer cleats are required.
How can I sponsor the all-star games?
We need sponsors to continue this event in a professional and successful manner. Promotion and advertising can be discussed according to sponsored amount. Costs total approximately $1,200 to run this event without cutbacks. Click here for the sponsor form.
What schools are considered west and east?
West team schools: Bay, Forrest County, Gulfport, Hancock, Harrison Central, Long Beach, Pass Christian, Pearl River Central, Picayune, Poplarville, St. Stanislaus/Our Lady Academy, Stone, West Harrison.
East team schools: Biloxi, D'Iberville, East Central, Gautier, George County, Greene County, Moss Point, Ocean Springs, Pascagoula, Resurrection, St. Martin, St. Patrick, Vancleave
Where can I see game results and view pictures?
An archive of game results and award winners can be found in a lower section of this page. Pictures and video of the games can be found on the @CoastSoccerPoll social media pages (Facebook and Twitter).
What is the Coast Soccer Poll?
The Coast Soccer Poll is a top 10 coaches poll for MHSAA girls and boys coast soccer teams. Every coast high school head coach receives a ballot via email for polls that are released online every other week throughout the season.
Who can I contact with a question/concern?
Coach Neil Scott - neilscottsoccer@gmail.com
2025 All-Star Player Forms & Information
All selected players must complete the online acceptance form and the waiver/physical form.
STEP 1: Here is a link to the girls online acceptance form and the boys online acceptance form. You'll submit this online.
STEP 2: Here is a link to the waiver & physical form. This needs to be printed, signed by a parent/guardian and your high school coach or athletic director. After this form is complete with signatures and insurance information it can be submitted on site before warmups begin, or scanned and submitted via email to Coach Neil Scott - neilscottsoccer@gmail.com
STEP 3: Here is a link to the sponsor form. We would like each player to attempt to obtain one $50 sponsor to help this event and next year's event. This form can be submitted on site before warmups begin to Coach Neil Scott.
*Both the online acceptance form and waiver/physical form must be submitted for a player to participate in any all-star game activities.

History of the Girls Mississippi Coast All-Star Soccer Game
Final Score:
West (1) - East (3)
Game Site:
St. Stanislaus (Bay St. Louis)
Offensive Player of the Game:
Bailey Csaszar (Greene County)
Defensive Player of the Game:
Brianna Gasaway (Ocean Springs)
Goalkeeper of the Game:
Claire Garcia (Forrest County)
Player of the Year:
Jennifer Lopez (Gautier)
Coaching Staff of the Year:
St. Martin
Final Score:
West (0) - East (2)
Game Site:
Jackson Co. Soccer Complex (Gautier)
Offensive Player of the Game:
Isabella Reynolds (Pascagoula)
Defensive Player of the Game:
Brianna Gasaway (Ocean Springs)
Final Score:
West (3) - East (2)
Game Site:
Greyhound Stadium (Ocean Springs)
Offensive Player of the Game:
Parker St. Amant (Ocean Springs)
Defensive Player of the Game:
Arnesha Fairley (Stone)
Final Score:
West (2) - East (1)
Game Site:
Milner Stadium (Gulfport)
Offensive Player of the Game:
Kate Smith (Gulfport)
Defensive Player of the Game:
Kealey Skinner (Pass Christian)
JAG Goalkeeper of the Game:
Julianah Overstreet (Vancleave)
Final Score:
West (0) - East (1)
Game Site:
Greyhound Stadium (Ocean Springs)
Offensive Player of the Game:
Aubrie Edwards (Biloxi)
Defensive Player of the Game:
Lauren Caruthers (Gulfport)
Final Score:
West (1) - East (2)
Game Site:
Vaughn-Wallace Stadium (Gautier)
Offensive Player of the Game:
Sydney Salter (Vancleave)
Defensive Player of the Game:
Chloe Strickland (Greene Co.)
Final Score:
West (1) - East (1)
Game Site:
Greyhound Stadium (Ocean Springs)
Offensive Player of the Game:
Marlee Sims (West Harrison)
Defensive Player of the Game:
Keona Crowell (Forrest Co.)
History of the Boys Mississippi Coast All-Star Soccer Game
Final Score:
West (2) - East (1)
Game Site:
St. Stanislaus (Bay St. Louis)
Offensive Player of the Game:
Aiden Boudro (Bay)
Defensive Player of the Game:
Will Berglind (Ocean Springs)
Goalkeeper of the Game:
Jack Mann (West Harrison)
Player of the Year:
Alexander Mink (Long Beach)
Coaching Staff of the Year:
Final Score:
West (1) - East (0)
Game Site:
Jackson Co. Soccer Complex (Gautier)
Offensive Player of the Game:
Zach Howard (Ocean Springs)
Defensive Player of the Game:
Drew Corbin (Gulfport)
Final Score:
West (5) - East (4)
Game Site:
Greyhound Stadium (Ocean Springs)
Offensive Player of the Game:
Noah Fayard (George Co.)
Defensive Player of the Game:
Julian McCord (Harrison Central)
Final Score:
West (3) - East (1)
Game Site:
Milner Stadium (Gulfport)
Offensive Player of the Game:
Simon Thames (Gulfport)
Defensive Player of the Game:
Nathaniel Mink (Long Beach)
JAG Goalkeeper of the Game:
Donovan Minor (Poplarville)
Final Score:
West (1) - East (3)
Game Site:
Greyhound Stadium (Ocean Springs)
Offensive Player of the Game:
Defensive Player of the Game:
KJ Mack (Ocean Springs)
Final Score:
West (1) - East (3)
Game Site:
Vaughn-Wallace Stadium (Gautier)
Offensive Player of the Game:
Diego Rangel (d'Iberville)
Defensive Player of the Game:
Adam Holland (Resurrection)
Final Score:
West (2) - East (2)
Game Site:
Greyhound Stadium (Ocean Springs)
Offensive Player of the Game:
Caleb Burke (Ocean Springs)
Defensive Player of the Game:
John Bowman (Bay)