Date: TBD
Location: Jackson County Soccer Complex (Gautier, MS)
Registration Fee: $150 per team
Registration Deadline: TBD
Divisions & Interpretations:
Adult Open D1 - Our most competitive division. Comprised of college players, ex-college players, and competitive adults. Teams may be co-ed. Players are age 17+.
Adult Open D2 - Our more leisured adult division. Comprised of adults looking for fun competition without the pace or intensity of the D1 division. Teams may be co-ed. Players are age 17+.
High School Girls D1 - Comprised of competitive upper level high school girls that will be in 9th-12th grade for the upcoming school year.
High School Girls D2 - Comprised girls at an intermediate varsity or junior varsity level that will be in 9th-12th grade for the upcoming school year. 8th graders may be included in this division.
High School Boys D1 - Comprised of competitive upper level high school boys that will be in 9th-12th grade for the upcoming school year.
High School Boys D2 - Comprised boys at an intermediate varsity or junior varsity level that will be in 9th-12th grade for the upcoming school year. 8th graders may be included in this division.
Middle School Girls - Comprised of girls at various skill levels that will be in 6th-8th grade for the upcoming school year.
Middle School Boys - Comprised of boys at various skill levels that will be in 6th-8th grade for the upcoming school year.
* Additional divisions such as a Women's Adult Open or youth divisions below middle school age will be available in future tournaments if there is enough interest to sustain the particular division.
Awards: Each player on a division winning team will be given a tournament champions t-shirt (shirt sizes vary).
5v5 Tournament Rules: Click here
Field Dimensions: Click here
Details: Teams are guaranteed to play at least 3 games. Divisions will contain a maximum of 8 teams and a minimum of 4 teams. No team will be registered after the registration deadline. Players cannot play on multiple teams within the same division. Teams can represent a high school, middle school, club, organization, or simply a group of friends. Tournament photos will be uploaded to an album on neilscottsoccer.com and to Facebook (facebook.com/neilscottsoccer).
Tournament Director: Neil Scott - neilscottsoccer@gmail.com
Step 1: Online Team Information Form
Step 2: Submit Registration Fee
Step 3: Print Roster/Waiver Form
* All 3 steps must be completed for a team to compete. The roster/waiver form may be submitted when the team arrives to play.